I decided today to add a new feature: when a random thought hits me, I'm going to write it down.
The first Random Thought occurred to me today as I had my daily weigh-in. I've been weighing myself each morning since I started marathon training back in December 2016 for a race in April 2017. As my training progressed, my weight took a wiggly path downwards to a place where I had lost 12 pounds (156 -> 144). Since the race, I've noticed that my weight has been slowly inching upward.
Now, I'M NOT A DOCTOR, but today I had the Random Thought that maybe my slow weight gain is due to the lack of speed work. Even though I'm still running about 30 miles per week, I have not been doing any speedwork - intervals or tempo runs - since the race. I've been just enjoying running for a while, with no training plan other than how far to run on a given day. I think the lack of intensity in my current training is driving my slow weight gain.
I'm going to do some experimenting. I'll let you know what happens.
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