If you are a runner you’ll enjoy this book, because the author uses examples from her own running career to illustrate the points she is trying to make throughout the book.
If you are NOT a runner – as long as you’re not an avowed anti-runner – I think you could still appreciate the running-related goal setting/reaching applications of the author’s techniques. Additionally, the author provides many non-running examples from her own life, writing about herself, her husband, and her children to highlight tidbits of personal success that are sure to resonate with most people. In fact, the goal-oriented tools which the author provides for her readers would be applicable to ANY goal-oriented situation.
The author writes in a familiar tone that makes me think I am having a conversation with a friend that really cares about me. She continuously uses vivid examples to emphasize the points she is trying to make, and those points kept coming through loud and clear, one after the other. As a runner myself, I really connected to the author’s mention of how successful people see their successes everywhere. In a way, this validated my personality. My wife tells me I’m obsessed with running because I talk about it constantly and relate many things in life back to running. After reading this book, I’m thinking that maybe I’m that way because I always have SOME running goal or another in progress at any given moment. If I take this book to heart, I now know that am doing the right thing towards my running goals by always being immersed in them, always thinking about them. I had no idea!
The book charts a spiritual journey also. If you are a spiritual person, you will enjoy that each chapter begins and ends with a bible verse. Chapter 6 opens with Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” I have recently rekindled my own close relationship with God, and that quote is so true! If you are close to God you can see His ways becoming visible in everything you do. It’s a great feeling to KNOW that He’s got your back!
There are self-helping reflection questions at the end of each chapter, a “further reading” list of applicable bible quotes, and activities! The “Application” section at the end of each chapter leads the reader into a personal reflection on the topics outlined in that chapter. There are some activities that really bring the author’s ideas to life, making them very tangible and leading us to better habits.
The ideas in this book started changing my life before I was even done reading it! If you’ve ever failed to reach a goal (who hasn’t?), I encourage you to read this book. I think you are sure to find an example that you can relate to, and some new tools to forge a new path forward on the journey to a
better you.
(I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.)
Blogger's note:
Today's marathon training workout was 5x1200m intervals. I ran them at my fastest-ever pace for this distance - faster than the 1k intervals I ran last week! This past Saturday I ran my fastest-ever 20-mile training run. Last week, a new 10k PR during my weekly tempo run. The week before that, a new 5k PR. Training
is going swimmingly! And I must give some of the credit to my newfound mental
strength and positivity after reading this book! (Training for NYC. IT's in 33 days. Yikes!)
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